146 photos in 7 sub-albums

America South
130 photos in 4 sub-albums
Caribbean Sea
41 photos in 2 sub-albums
Central Asia - Silk Road
28 photos
albumen photographs by the french? photographer F. Hordet. (O.BULANOVA: One of the most mysterious photographers who visited Baku (republic of Georgia, Turkestan, Uzbekistan..)in 1880-1890s is F. OrdeN. «Ордэн», «Ордэ», «Хордет», «Ордер», «Ордэт» can be seen on different works of this very famous master in his time. Some collectors call him "the famous French photographer M.". Hordet." the others are W. Ordén.)
524 photos in 14 sub-albums
Europe - Italy
1133 photos in 34 sub-albums
India, Views 19. century
149 photos in 2 sub-albums
Traveling in India. Photographs mainly by Samuel Bourne
Near East - Egypt, Palestine, Turkey
310 photos in 8 sub-albums
New Zealand
23 photos
New Zealand - South island. Album with 18 historic professional photographs of the Otago district - Queenstown - Skippers Canon/Road - Shotover River - Paradise Valley. (ca. 1900-1910, size of the Photographs 15*20cm. Please contact me, if you know more about the photographer) The album contains 4 historic photographs of Madeira.
USA Photochroms by Photoglob
46 photos in 3 sub-albums
Vietnam, French Indochina
38 photos
Views of French Indochina, Saigon, Annamite Scenes; Photographers: Some by Emile Gsell; albumen photographs (Size ca. 17*22cm)