51 photos
Egypt, Hypolyte Arnoux, Bonfils, Zangaki
31 photos
Album Egypt, Orient. Hypolite Arnoux, Felix Bonfils, Zangaki
Egypt, Greece, Turkey
50 photos
Photographers: Pascal Sebah, Dimitrios Constantin and others. Large photographs (Size ca. 27*35cm, 10,5*13,5")
Egypt, Sebah, Béchard, Bonfils
51 photos
Album Egypt, photographers Jean Pascal Sebah(12), Henri Béchard(28), Bonfils, Fiorillo - mainly very large photographs ca. 27*37cm, 11*14 inches.
Egypt Photochrom
34 photos
Photoglob AG, Zurich; Photochrom Zurich - P.Z. Orell Füsseli & Co.
Palestine, Lebanon Photochrom
29 photos
Photoglob AG, Zurich; Photochrom Zurich - P.Z. Orell Füsseli & Co.
Jerusalem, Palestine - Bonfils
33 photos
Jerusalem, Palestine photographs (collotype prints) by Felix Bonfils.
Palestine, Bonfils
31 photos
Palestine, folder of Palestine photographs (collotype prints) by Felix Bonfils